{"status":"ok","totalResults":960,"articles":[{"source":{"id":"engadget","name":"Engadget"},"author":"Valentina Palladino","title":"Walmart Plus signups officially begin today, starting at $98 per year","description":"Amazon Prime has dominated the retail subscription space for years, but Walmart's hoping to challenge that now with Walmart Plus. Today is the official launch of Walmart's new subscription service that's designed to take on Amazon by providing members with pe...","url":"https://www.engadget.com/walmart-plus-launch-subscription-details-price-123003235.html","urlToImage":"https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=1200%2C630&crop=1200%2C630%2C0%2C0&quality=95&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fos%2Fcreatr-uploaded-images%2F2020-09%2F9b994a80-f2ad-11ea-afbf-c95142fbee4b&client=amp-blogside-v2&signature=019e1049c8ef7f7e6e7a44fd6224cb4929181b1c","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T12:30:03Z","content":"In addition to the unlimited free delivery, Walmart Plus also includes gas savings and mobile scan-and-go checkout. Members can save up to five cents per gallon when they fill up at Walmart, Murphy U... [+1600 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"engadget","name":"Engadget"},"author":"Nick Summers","title":"Kano's first Windows PC is a step toward classroom supremacy","description":"It's been a while since I powered up a Kano-built computer. That's because the company, which wants to help children learn how to code, has spent the last few years developing kits that work in tandem with a PC, smartphone or tablet. These have included a Har...","url":"https://www.engadget.com/kano-pc-windows-10-build-yourself-computer-education-review-153033789.html","urlToImage":"https://o.aolcdn.com/images/dims?resize=1200%2C630&crop=1200%2C630%2C0%2C0&quality=95&image_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fs.yimg.com%2Fos%2Fcreatr-uploaded-images%2F2020-09%2F6b1d7d70-f75f-11ea-be1d-69abcc17898d&client=amp-blogside-v2&signature=323b8fa97a7f73e7b96b2aef6bd8f658a4431822","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T15:30:33Z","content":"Design and construction\r\nLet's start with the former. Kano originally caught the public's attention by wrapping a Raspberry Pi board - which was cheap and capable, but overwhelming for the average pa... [+16946 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Gizmodo.com"},"author":"Andrew Liszewski","title":"Contribute to Chaotic Video Calls With Simple Gestures Using This Video Lens","description":"By now, most of us have given up trying to contribute during a crowded video call, and instead just mute our mics and politely nod in agreement until it's time to hang up. Six months after we desperately needed it, Cameron Hunter has come up with a clever sol...","url":"https://gizmodo.com/contribute-to-chaotic-video-calls-with-simple-gestures-1845064865","urlToImage":"https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/c_fill,f_auto,fl_progressive,g_center,h_675,pg_1,q_80,w_1200/ln3lm56hvj9frodcociq.gif","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T21:10:00Z","content":"By now, most of us have given up trying to contribute during a crowded video call, and instead just mute our mics and politely nod in agreement until its time to hang up. Six months after we desperat... [+1244 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"New York Times"},"author":"Melanie Pinola","title":"How to Turn Your Home Into the Best Classroom It Can Be","description":"School is back, and for many families this year that means learning from home. Here are some tips and tools for how to create the best educational environment for your children.","url":"https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/15/realestate/how-to-turn-your-home-into-the-best-classroom-it-can-be.html","urlToImage":"https://static01.nyt.com/images/2020/09/15/realestate/15Wirecutter-School7/15Wirecutter-School7-facebookJumbo.jpg","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T10:00:07Z","content":"Children who are in preschool or kindergarten need a space for art and hands-on learning tools. Any flat surface and a chair they can sit comfortably on for short stints will do. At this age, childre... [+2684 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"mashable","name":"Mashable"},"author":"Alex Hazlett","title":"The Jane Club wants to be a 'matriarchal oasis' and it just might succeed","description":"The concept of the safe space\r\n is not new, and they've seen many iterations in the last 50+ years. But this decade in particular has seen a rise in the prestige space for women and moms - pitched as both sanctuary and sorority, with sometimes steep membershi...","url":"https://mashable.com/article/jane-club-intersectional-feminism-coworking/","urlToImage":"https://mondrian.mashable.com/2020%252F09%252F15%252F7c%252F180be5e59160403383faf4cb3025ee94.5c8d0.jpg%252F1200x630.jpg?signature=DIyMCna8QbWueOwZ4mUfoOUBp5Q=","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T10:00:00Z","content":"The concept of the safe space\r\n is not new, and theyve seen many iterations in the last 50+ years. But this decade in particular has seen a rise in the prestige space for women and moms pitched as bo... [+10256 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Sarah N. Lynch, Mark Hosenball","title":"U.S. Justice Department subpoenas publisher of John Bolton's book: report - Reuters","description":"The U.S. Justice Department has launched a criminal investigation into whether President Donald Trump's former national security adviser John Bolton mishandled classified information when he published a book about his time in the White House, the Wall Street ...","url":"https://in.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-bolton-idUSKBN2662T2","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533530415&r=LYNXMPEG8E1IJ&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T16:22:00Z","content":"FILE PHOTO: The U.S. Department of Justice building is bathed in morning light at sunrise in Washington, U.S., February 14, 2020. REUTERS/Mary F. Calvert\r\nWASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Justice Depa... [+1200 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Huw Jones","title":"EY to 'raise bar' in spotting fraud after Wirecard accounts scandal - Reuters UK","description":"Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clients through greater use of technology.","url":"https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-ey-wirecard-idUKKBN266230","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533501618&r=LYNXMPEG8E13G&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T13:07:00Z","content":"LONDON (Reuters) - Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clie... [+1842 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Huw Jones","title":"EY to 'raise bar' in spotting fraud after Wirecard accounts scandal - Reuters Canada","description":"Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clients through greater use of technology.","url":"https://ca.reuters.com/article/us-ey-wirecard-idCAKBN26625V","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533503945&r=LYNXMPEG8E14Q&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T13:31:00Z","content":"LONDON (Reuters) - Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clie... [+1863 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Huw Jones","title":"EY to 'raise bar' in spotting fraud after Wirecard accounts scandal - Reuters","description":"Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clients through greater use of technology.","url":"https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ey-wirecard-idUSKBN26625V","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533503945&r=LYNXMPEG8E14Q&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T13:29:00Z","content":"LONDON (Reuters) - Global accounting firm EY said on Tuesday it regretted not spotting fraud at German payments company Wirecard sooner and that it would improve how it verifies information from clie... [+1863 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Tim Kelly","title":"Former Nissan executive Kelly's trial begins in Tokyo without Ghosn - Reuters India","description":"Former Nissan Motor Co Ltd <7201.T> executive Greg Kelly denied charges he helped ex-boss, Carlos Ghosn, hide income as the American lawyer's trial opened in Tokyo on Tuesday almost two years after Japanese prosecutors arrested the pair.","url":"https://www.reuters.com/article/nissan-ghosn-kelly-trial-idINKBN2660IA","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533451610&r=LYNXMPEG8E093&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T04:24:00Z","content":"TOKYO (Reuters) - Former Nissan Motor Co Ltd 7201.T executive Greg Kelly denied charges he helped ex-boss, Carlos Ghosn, hide income as the American lawyer's trial opened in Tokyo on Tuesday almost t... [+2949 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Ahmed Saeed","title":"Defying fatwa, Iraqis flock to COVID cemetery to exhume dead, re-bury elsewhere - Reuters","description":"It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephew's grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID-19 victims.","url":"https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-iraq-exhumation-idUSKBN2662J6","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533516908&r=LYNXMPEG8E1DD&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T15:01:00Z","content":"NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephews grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID... [+2487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Ahmed Saeed","title":"Defying fatwa, Iraqis flock to COVID cemetery to exhume dead, re-bury elsewhere - Reuters Africa","description":"It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephew's grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID-19 victims.","url":"https://af.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-iraq-exhumation-idAFKBN2662IH","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533517176&r=LYNXMPEG8E1DK&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T15:01:00Z","content":"NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephews grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID... [+2487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Ahmed Saeed","title":"Defying fatwa, Iraqis flock to COVID cemetery to exhume dead, re-bury elsewhere - Reuters India","description":"It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephew's grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID-19 victims.","url":"https://in.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-iraq-exhumation-idINKBN2662I7","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533523494&r=LYNXMPEG8E1HA&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T16:05:00Z","content":"NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephews grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID... [+2487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":"reuters","name":"Reuters"},"author":"Ahmed Saeed","title":"Defying fatwa, Iraqis flock to COVID cemetery to exhume dead, re-bury elsewhere - Reuters","description":"It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephew's grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID-19 victims.","url":"https://www.reuters.com/article/health-coronavirus-iraq-exhumation-int-idUSKBN2662J0","urlToImage":"https://static.reuters.com/resources/r/?m=02&d=20200915&t=2&i=1533556673&r=LYNXMPEG8E1CF&w=800","publishedAt":"2020-09-15T20:45:00Z","content":"NAJAF, Iraq (Reuters) - It took Abu Haider and his relatives several hours to dig up his nephews grave and exhume the body at a cemetery in the southern Iraqi city of Najaf built especially for COVID... [+2487 chars]"},{"source":{"id":null,"name":"Theguardian.comus-news"},"author":"Martin Pengelly","title":"Donald Trump claims to have found Bob Woodward book Rage 'very boring'","description":"